
What would you do if the person you thought was an angel, turned out to be the devil himself? 

They would just smile, give blase words you took as gold and poured out your soul, divulging secrets you weren’t sure how long had been buried. Because you thought they meant it when they said you could trust and confide in them. 

It doesn’t matter who, or what. The sting of betrayal is all the same, and the breach of trust feels like a swift, hard, descent. Never mind your poor heart, that thing you should’ve never listened to in the first place. Your mind wasn’t of much help either, just the constant anxiety of letting barriers down, but being lonely because of the reluctance to do so. They helped you feel better with that, too. 

They brought you a sense of salvation, made you feel comfortable with yourself, and find reason in life.  But you knew better now. They were just building you up to make the fall that much more devastating. All to their advantage. They put on the perfect front while holding a knife behind their back.  

They say the devil is a lie and that angels bring miracles. You couldn’t have one without the other, you supposed. Yin and yang, good and evil. Angels and devils were both monsters, just on different ends of the spectrum. That’s how you would excuse your naive foolishness and well-deserved pain.


Written for the Saturday Mix: Opposing Forces using the words Angel and Devil/Front and Back. Click the link to read more work inspired by this prompt!

Word Count: 240

3 thoughts on “Spectrum”

  1. There are always two sides. Even karma seems to believe in retrubution for wrongs. Different monsters…
    Maybe there is something to being an atheist. But humans seem to want something to blame or honor.
    May we all find a happy medium. And grow from mistakes, ours and others.

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